Archive for the ‘psychobabble’ Category

Friday, September 1, 2006

Sad Monkeys

I’m going to tell you what Rose and I talked about more than a week ago. Look:

Monkeys want cell phones but get rebuffed.

This is a sad story. Monkeys live at the zoo. They see humans using …

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Posted in parenting, psychobabble on 09/01/2006 01:14 pm

Thursday, July 27, 2006


I miss my kids a lot. I’m ready for them to come home from their summer visitation with their dad. I miss my kids so much, it makes my uterus hurt. (Either that or it’s just normal periodical cramping.) …

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Posted in parenting, psychobabble on 07/27/2006 01:28 pm

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

How to Be Happy

Some people think you can be happy if you take anti-depressants. Some people think you can be happy if you read enough of the right books about how to do it. Some people think it’s impossible …

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Posted in fantasies, psychobabble on 07/19/2006 01:41 pm

Thursday, April 13, 2006


On the way to school and work, my oldest son and I were listening to a particularly heart-quickening CD. I told Josh that it would be fun if, when I got into the office today and bypassed greetings of …

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Posted in fantasies, health, psychobabble on 04/13/2006 01:15 pm

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

You can’t tell by looking at me, but

I’m going to change my life. The process has already begun.

When I was a teenager, I used to say that I wanted to do this or that… that I was planning …

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Posted in psychobabble on 03/15/2006 07:56 pm

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Expressions of Love, Part One: When a Man Loves a Woman (and Her Scarf)

The other day

No… First I have to tell you something, so you understand this anecdote.

I get really freaked out when people stare at me. …

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Posted in my sex life, psychobabble, stories on 02/23/2006 08:59 pm

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


A good game to play when you’re caught in traffic or just driving somewhere you always drive: First think of a number, like fifteen. Then find fifteen (or whatever number) things that you would like to photograph, if you …

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Posted in health, my sex life, psychobabble, venting, writing on 02/14/2006 12:29 am

Friday, December 9, 2005

The Men and the Women That I Hate Most

The longer I live, the more I understand that all problems between men and women are caused by two distinct types of jerks. These two types of jerks are generally divided …

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Posted in psychobabble, sexism, venting on 12/09/2005 07:21 pm

Thursday, November 17, 2005

You know why I don’t like to talk about politics?

Because it makes me mad. And then it depresses me. Yes, I take the arguments personally. And not in the sense that I feel like the people I’m debating with …

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Posted in politics, pop culture, psychobabble, vanity, venting on 11/17/2005 02:39 pm