Archive for the ‘stories’ Category

Monday, June 1, 2015

Perspective Adjustment

Paint Guy vs Me

Is it weird that I’m starting to know all the paint counter employees at Lowe’s-es and Home Depots in a ten-mile radius? Today I got my least fave. I brought in actual paint chips (chips of …

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Posted in Aspergers, consumerism, culture, dogs, hating, neighbors, obessions, psychobabble, stories on 06/01/2015 01:04 pm

Friday, June 19, 2009

Fear cleanses.

Dat (my husband) said there was no way I was reading the TripAdvisor description correctly. There was no way that a scuba diving excursion would be designed for “first-timers.” I had said scuba, but must have meant snorkeling.…

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Posted in stories, trauma on 06/19/2009 11:40 pm

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Laminator

Two jobs ago, I worked at the Houston branch of a big ol’ global insurance corporation, nestled in the top floors of the second-highest skyscraper in our downtown. Within the very center of that organization, we had a …

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Posted in domestic, stories, work on 03/05/2009 02:47 am

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

bus story 1

It’s always cold on the bus. For that reason, I kind of hate riding it in the mornings, especially when I’m wearing a skirt without hose or tights or leg warmers, as is sometimes mandated by fashion …

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Posted in Catholicism, Houston, materialism, music, pop culture, stories, superstition, the bus on 07/30/2008 12:22 am

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Five Quick Stories Involving Alice V.


When I was young – thirteen, fourteen – I used to sing. I walked down the streets of our neighborhood, amongst the stray dogs and blooming cannas, singing Blondie’s “Heart of Glass.” In …

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Posted in Houston, stories on 09/01/2007 07:28 am

Monday, July 23, 2007


Today my horoscope says, “You hard-working Capricorns are faced with a dilemma this midsummer. The Sun is now moving through your mysterious 8th House, encouraging you to delve into the mysteries of the occult, death and sex. Although these …

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Posted in culture, my sex life, stories on 07/23/2007 11:52 am

Friday, July 20, 2007

There’s this really weird book. You should totally check it out.

The other day my friend Ashley and I went to Texas Art Supply, which is one of the most awesome stores in Houston, partially because it contains all the …

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Posted in books, pop culture, stories on 07/20/2007 11:13 am

Monday, June 25, 2007

Expensive Flea Bags

My youngest son and I enjoy driving down to the nearest big-box pet stores each weekend and seeing the caged animals up for adoption. Particularly, we like the kittens.

Every time we go, my son asks if …

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Posted in Aspergers, domestic, parenting, pop culture, stories on 06/25/2007 11:41 pm

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

All my meters are incorrect.

I’m still doing the magical eat-less-exercise-more diet that I started at the beginning of May. I try to eat 1600 calories or less each day, and I try to exercise as much as I can …

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Posted in domestic, lookism, parenting, stories on 06/12/2007 06:02 pm

Friday, May 25, 2007

This is my week to come clean, apparently.subtitled The Asperger’s Post

When stressful things occur in my life, I like to take a week or month or year to process them before discussing them with anyone else. I think …

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Posted in Aspergers, domestic, parenting, stories on 05/25/2007 11:09 am