Archive for the ‘trauma’ Category

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Dipping Deeper Into Consumer Culture, Maybe

I finally got sucked into the Amazon Prime mind meld. In case you don’t know, Amazon Prime is a service where you pay $79 a year and have access free two-day shipping for about 75% of the goods Amazon sells. …

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Posted in consumerism, culture, domestic, psychobabble, trauma on 07/24/2014 11:36 am

Friday, June 19, 2009

Fear cleanses.

Dat (my husband) said there was no way I was reading the TripAdvisor description correctly. There was no way that a scuba diving excursion would be designed for “first-timers.” I had said scuba, but must have meant snorkeling.…

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Posted in stories, trauma on 06/19/2009 11:40 pm

Thursday, May 15, 2008

espresso nerves

If y’all knew how nervous and obsessive I can get over certain things, you’d probably get annoyed with me and stop reading this blog.

For instance, I live in the shadow of a fear of having my carry-on …

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Posted in Houston, trauma, writing on 05/15/2008 06:46 pm

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Explain to me

How does this person named Six_of_Cups have one of my books for sale, when my book isn’t out until May 31?

This reminds me of the last time I had a book out on Amazon, and …

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Posted in domestic, trauma, vanity, WOW, writing on 05/13/2008 03:22 am