Monday, April 5, 2010
Hi, y’all.
Guess where I’ve been. Give up? I’ve been home working on my next novel, or at a coffee shop working on my next novel, or at my friend Ashley’s house, working on my next novel while she paints … Read the rest!
Hi, y’all.
Guess where I’ve been. Give up? I’ve been home working on my next novel, or at a coffee shop working on my next novel, or at my friend Ashley’s house, working on my next novel while she paints … Read the rest!
Where I Be
Hola, peeps. Have y’all missed me? If so, you should check out my Houston Chronicle blog, because I post a little more often over there.
Alternately, if you’ve been wondering how sexy, nasal, gravelly, or flat-aspect-y … Read the rest!
something weird I just thought about
If someone were to torture you mildly a little – say, for information, or because he/she was a crazed stalker – would it make the torture more tolerable to have one of your favorite … Read the rest!
Watchmen was Twilight for men.
Warning: this contains spoilers about the movie Watchmen. Don’t read it if you want to be surprised by all the comic book cliches.
Twilight is for 13-year-old straight girls and emotionally-13-year-old women because it’s … Read the rest!
I keep wanting to write stuff here but haven’t had time. Meanwhile, I know all too well how the lack of updating causes readers to slip away. But that’s life, right? Hope y’all who’ve slipped away are doing it … Read the rest!
bus story 1
It’s always cold on the bus. For that reason, I kind of hate riding it in the mornings, especially when I’m wearing a skirt without hose or tights or leg warmers, as is sometimes mandated by fashion … Read the rest!
Don’t be mad.
Sorry I’ve been the worst blog updater in the world lately. But you know how it goes. Blah blah excuses go here.
Important Stuff
I got some awesome sandals on sale at TJ Maxx today. I ate … Read the rest!
The Big, Good Snowball
You guys, I have been so overwhelmed with good stuff lately, and I’m trying to do the extra bit of work it takes to make the good luck snowball. You know? I’m growing my snowy ball … Read the rest!
I should have trusted my instincts.
I said that McDonald’s wouldn’t be able to compete with Starbucks, and I should have believed myself. But they sent me a coupon for a free “premium iced coffee,” so I thought I’d give … Read the rest!
busy-ness; current events
I’ve spent the last few days either writing stuff for money, or else dealing with domestic dramas. Toby is sick, for one thing. We (his vet and I) think his stomach is upset by the dietary change. … Read the rest!