
I keep wanting to write stuff here but haven’t had time. Meanwhile, I know all too well how the lack of updating causes readers to slip away. But that’s life, right? Hope y’all who’ve slipped away are doing it temporarily and finding awesome substitutes until you return.

I shouldn’t be writing this right now because I have so much “work stuff” to do, instead, but oh, well. Right now I’m going through this phase where I’ve planned a bunch of publicity events – traveling and all – months in the past, and then these dates come up on me and I’ve almost forgotten, and it scares the crap out of me. But then I see that the Me of the Past has taken care of everything. I click the starred document on my email and out pops everything – maps, itineraries, tickets, packing lists…. It’s still a little scary, though. The Me of the Past is way more organized than the Me in the Present, and I’m starting to worry that the Me of the Future will be a total flake.

I just read a good/sad book and now I’m all enmeshed in that. You know how that goes. I’m gonna be sad for a couple of days, but I don’t regret it.

My work (day job) is all insane right now, as anyone who watches the news and knows the name of my workplace could tell you. The news is bad, and yet somehow that doesn’t translate into less work for me, personally. I hate to say this, but I’m kinda just counting the days ’til they lay us off, because uncertainty bugs me. Plus, I need more time to write. But I don’t want to be poor. But I haven’t been poor for years, because I really dislike that. So things should work out okay, if they want to lay us off. Plus, I’ll get more writing done.

I recently finished my next novel. Well, in my mind, it’s the “last novel,” but for you, it looks like the “next novel.” That one comes out in 2010. The next novel, in my mind, hasn’t been started yet. But I already know what it’s about, and I’m excited, which is good. I hope to stay excited until I’m 97% through writing it, at which point I will of course be sick to death of it. That’s how it always happens – no way to avoid it.

I’m hyper-conscious, right now, of writing all these sentences with the word I in them. Like that’s a big bad thing. But I’m trying to tell y’all what’s going on with me, real fast, without time for fancy faux-un-self-centered metaphors, so there you go. What else can I say?

I really want to tell y’all about:
1. this laminating machine that used to be at an old workplace
2. my current unusual living arrangement and why I think more people should try it
3. the cats’ misadventures
4. the truths about Twitter
5. annoying entitled people on the carpool
6. people I’ve met and why they’re awesome
7. awesome books I read recently
8. Indian condiments and the bloat-causing, frightfully addictive sodium within them

but I don’t have time So I’ll do that soon.

Also, I updated the other site, gwendolynzepeda.com, by hand, by myself, which was difficult because I’m not a good coder but I know too much coding to justify paying someone else to do it… So, yeah. I’ve been doing that, in addition to everything else.

And… Salome! I saw this show called Tim and Eric’s Awesome Show – Good Job! – just one episode of it, twice – and it semi-traumatized me, but in the good way, when something makes you laugh and creeps you out at the same time. And I’ve been watching Flight of the Concords, a little, and I’m resisting having a crush on Jemaine because I think that would be a cliche, but the whole thing with them loathing/fearing Australians is killing me. If you know what I’m talking about, hollah. If not — um, go ahead and holler, anyway, if you feel like it.

And, ble-e-e-e-e-e-e-eh. I hate writing entries like this, but it’s better than nothing for the 8 dedicated readers who are still checking back for updates once a month. Right? Not really? Oh, man….


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Posted in pop culture, writing on 02/26/2009 03:54 am

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