Archive for the ‘meta’ Category

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Big, Good Snowball

You guys, I have been so overwhelmed with good stuff lately, and I’m trying to do the extra bit of work it takes to make the good luck snowball. You know? I’m growing my snowy ball …

Read the rest!

Posted in meta, pop culture, writing on 03/26/2008 12:25 am

Monday, December 17, 2007

How is it Monday already?

I have a long to-do list in my purse. Its primary purpose is as a focal point — it gives me something to look at while I say, “How in the hell am I going …

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Posted in meta, parenting, venting, writing on 12/17/2007 11:44 am

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Thrift Store Story 1: Mother Daughter Bonding

I was at a Goodwill in another town, eavesdropping on strangers.

Mom: How about this one?
Daughter: Na-a-a-ah…
Mom: Well, I know it’s kind of boring, but it also looks professional. You have …

Read the rest!

Posted in eavesdropping, Houston, meta, my sex life on 11/29/2007 06:03 pm

Thursday, June 28, 2007

A Nurturing Kind of Love

As I mentioned the other day, I’ve been losing weight, via the magic process of burning more calories than I take in (TM physics).

My boyfriend Tad hasn’t said much about my weight loss, either …

Read the rest!

Posted in domestic, meta, my sex life, parenting, vanity, work on 06/28/2007 10:42 pm