busy-ness; current events
I’ve spent the last few days either writing stuff for money, or else dealing with domestic dramas. Toby is sick, for one thing. We (his vet and I) think his stomach is upset by the dietary change. We hope he doesn’t have some cat digestive disease. Other people in the house get sick, on and off, but they’re way easier to diagnose. Toby keeps rolling in dirty things, like a dog. I need to give him a bath tonight, if he’ll let me.
Did y’all watch the Super Bowl? I saw the last half. I don’t care about any one team, but football is an interesting game to watch, so I was especially excited by the thrilling conclusion to this one. I was kind of sad that the Patriots didn’t get their perfect season. But, oh well. Perfect season or underdog victory: they even out, right?
Are y’all watching the primaries? Isn’t it fun, to see everyone so excited about them? It’s like football, in a way. Our local paper did one of those “Let’s ask black women if they’re voting for Obama or Hillary” pieces, and I was aggravated and embarrassed. The more often that white men ask those questions, the more it makes me think those white men would never vote for anyone other than white men.
Also, I wonder why everyone calls Hillary Hillary, but no one calls the other candidates by their first names. I’m doing it, too, you see. Hmm. Benefit of the doubt: It’s not because most people are sexist — it’s to distinguish her from the other famous Clinton. Right? Sure.
There’s an article somewhere today in which people are freaking out that Latinos didn’t vote for Barack. Meaning that Latinos must be… racist! Because anyone who doesn’t vote for Barack hates black people, right? And it is so, so shocking to the author of this article that Latinos would be racist against blacks. (Another majority culture idea — that all minority peoples are united in their non-majority-culture-ness.)
And I was waiting for someone to point out that Hillary could be the Latino’s Virgin Mary, but no one did. Because, while that would have been offensive, it wouldn’t have fit in with the offensive theme of this election process, which is that everyone is racist. Racism!!!
I mean, it’s to the point now that I’m more interested in media attitudes than I am in the candidates, themselves. You would think we could just consider electing a non-white person, or a non-male person, without it being this much of a mirrored maze of accusations, suspicions, and flat-out hatred. But that’s not how America operates, apparently. Embarrassing.
Meanwhile… the more I have to see photographs of people from that show The Hills, the more I hate that show and vow not to watch it. Those people from The Hills are clogging up my magazines. All I want from magazines is famous women in fancy dresses. Not faux-famous girls who are marrying Spencer or breaking off their engagement with Spencer or cheating on Spencer with Zach and Gossip Girl. What is that crap? Who forces my pretty dress magazines to talk about that?
I feel sorry for Britney Spears because, at this point, she has no one she can trust.
I keep having to watch this show called Drake and Josh. Over the weekend, my youngest son explained to me why iCarly has all the same actors as Drake and Josh, but isn’t the same show. My fave is Ned’s Declassified, but I don’t see that as much. (If you know what I’m talking about, you must have kids.) Besides those, I get to watch reruns of The Fresh Prince of Bellaire on a daily basis. It’s held up pretty well, if you listen to it from your kitchen and don’t see the primary-colored sweaters.
I heard the other day that Nickelodeon is doing a new show called Ni Hao, Kai lan that looks sort of like Dora the Explorer. That’s funny to me because my boyfriend’s niece Alyssa, who is mostly Chinese, is really into Dora. On one episode a while back, Dora and her friends celebrated Chinese New Year (which is today, coincidentally — Kung Hey Fat Choi!) and busted out speaking Chinese. Alyssa, who was three at the time, reacted as if she’d found a Virgin Mary in her tortilla. It was a big deal to her. So I wonder if she’ll like this Kai-lan show even better. Or am I being like one of those reporters here, making the racist assumptions? Maybe she won’t like Kai-lan at all.
Happy Year of the Rat. What does this mean for me? Nothing. My boyfriend is going out to dinner with his family. I’m staying home with my kids, and we’ll work out and watch Project Runway.
I’ve lost 40 lbs total now. Fifteen pounds to go. Over the weekend we went to the mall and I picked up a pair of clearance corduroys at Ann Taylor Loft in a size I literally haven’t worn since I was 18. That was nice, even though I’ve ruined the moment, in my mind, by deciding that Ann Taylor vanity-sizes everything.
Still, though. It may be a vanity size, but it’s a smaller vanity size than I wore last month.
That’s it. More later. Stay warm, y’all.