Archive for the ‘superstition’ Category

Friday, November 1, 2013

Idee Fixe

When I was a teenager, I spent a lot of after-school and summer time at a non-profit arts organization-type place called MECA. I took dance and voice lessons there, performed in their performances, ate whatever free food they had lying …

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Posted in culture, fantasies, getting older, obessions, superstition, writing on 11/01/2013 03:15 pm

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

bus story 1

It’s always cold on the bus. For that reason, I kind of hate riding it in the mornings, especially when I’m wearing a skirt without hose or tights or leg warmers, as is sometimes mandated by fashion …

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Posted in Catholicism, Houston, materialism, music, pop culture, stories, superstition, the bus on 07/30/2008 12:22 am

Monday, April 16, 2007

dream post for Rose

I had nightmares all last night. First, a crazy person I know had swelled to eight feet in height and was trying to get at me through the chain-bolted door. The instruction manual said that, to …

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Posted in dreams, pop culture, superstition, venting on 04/16/2007 02:19 pm