Saturday, November 24, 2007
reminder of what I have
2007 has been a disappointing year for me, for various reasons beyond my control. A year of rejections, failures, unexpected expenses and medical dramas. I’m calling it, in my mind, a year of learning experiences … Read the rest!
Monday, November 19, 2007
We went to an HEB in the middle of nowhere the other day. (HEB is a big ol’ grocery chain in Texas.) Out in front of the store, they had crates of bagged gourds and mini pumpkins for $1.50 … Read the rest!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
No One Knows What It’s Like to Be the Fat Pants
Okay, so only some of y’all will recognize this feeling that I’m about to describe. But I’ll go ahead and describe it. You know how, when you cross the … Read the rest!
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
So now I’m in the post-holiday, early new year phase where I feel all pumped-up to start new projects. Why does this happen every year? Because Christmas fuels creativity, I think.
I have one writing project that’s almost done, … Read the rest!
Friday, December 1, 2006
Christmas Gift Expectations and Inadequacy
I have this friend. Let’s call her Trudy. (Trudy, you’re going to know I’m talking about you when you read this. But no one else will know unless you tell them. Don’t be sad. I … Read the rest!
Monday, November 20, 2006
Maybe this is only a societally conditioned woman thing, but: You know how you’ll go through little phases throughout the year? Like, there’s the gathering phase, where you feel like buying a bunch of stuff, and then the nesting … Read the rest!
Thursday, August 3, 2006
Domestic Awesomeness
Everyone knows the good things about owning your own home: you don’t “throw away” money on rent, you can make improvements to your living space and it’s actually worth it, and you “build equity,” whatever that is.
But … Read the rest!
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Christmas List
I always love it when fictional characters tell what they got for Christmas, and I always hate it when a book encompasses a Christmas but doesn’t divulge the gifting details. In that spirit, here are some of the … Read the rest!
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
So my dad reads my blog this morning and then gets hold of me and says, “Why didn’t you ask me to loan you some money?” And I say, “I was actually just about to when I finally got … Read the rest!
Monday, December 5, 2005
Cycles, Over and Over
Yesterday I sang in the shower, which I hardly ever do anymore. I sang the old religious Christmas songs we learned so long ago, and it felt good, but then made me sad. I miss singing … Read the rest!