Wednesday, December 29, 2010
It makes me feel weird/ungrateful/Catholic-shameful not to post a list of thanks in November. So it has to be done, even if it’s a month late. Here’s a slight portion of all the stuff I’ve been thankful for lately:
1. … Read the rest!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Because I feel reclusive lately. I’ve been “on break” from writing for… um… months?… and am just starting to think about what I want to write next, and sometimes I think about posting small things on this blog or on … Read the rest!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Let’s get the cyclical stuff out of the way, first.
1. Lost weight but then gained weight, trying to lose weight, yo-yo-dieting is not good, Gilad, Sharon Mann, CathE, Shimmy, I mean I still like myself no matter what size … Read the rest!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Merry Christmas to my cats, who don’t know anything.
Yesterday we gave the cats a new, expensive scratching post. They weren’t as grateful as you might imagine. But that’s how cats are – it takes a while for them to … Read the rest!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
After typing the section below, I see that we’re a bunch of “ironic” people.
We went to Hobby Slobby last night and, man, were there a lot of shoppers in a bad mood. I felt bad for them – why … Read the rest!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
obligatory Thanksgiving gratefulness list paragraphs
The other day I was thinking about writing a “thankful for” list for this blog, and immediately got whiny and self-pitying, in my mind, over all the little things for which I’m not grateful this … Read the rest!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
I never write, I never call. Soon, though. Almost finished being busy here. Literally, I don’t know how I get everything done.
Last night I dreamed Matt Damon and I ran into each other and got to talking … Read the rest!
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
I went to Flickr, was disappointed that no one’s posted many xmas photos, then reminded myself that I haven’t posted any, either.
Our Christmas went really well. Hope yours did, too. We baked. A while back, my youngest son … Read the rest!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Thoughts on Fictional Aspergers
There are two fictional characters I suspect of having Asperger’s Syndrome, whether or not the actors were consciously portraying them that way:
1. Napoleon Dynamite.
2. Bill Haverchuck of Freaks and Geeks.
Or maybe I’m … Read the rest!
Monday, December 3, 2007
A Plainclotheshorse
Sometimes I want to tell y’all what I find at the thrift stores, and maybe post pictures of my finds, but then I don’t, because I’ve realized that I like pretty boring clothes.
Today, for instance, I am … Read the rest!