Archive for the ‘karaoke’ Category

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Belated Thanksgiving

It makes me feel weird/ungrateful/Catholic-shameful not to post a list of thanks in November. So it has to be done, even if it’s a month late. Here’s a slight portion of all the stuff I’ve been thankful for lately:

1. …

Read the rest!

Posted in cats, Christmas, domestic, karaoke, married life, obessions, parenting, Thanksgiving on 12/29/2010 06:12 am

Monday, October 9, 2006

An Intuitive Fortune Cookie

So this weekend was supposed to be two things. One: a weekend apart from my boyfriend, because we spend every single weekend together, usually, to the point that I neglect my other friends and my chores. …

Read the rest!

Posted in domestic, karaoke on 10/09/2006 02:48 am