Archive for the ‘lookism’ Category

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Told you so, two months ago.

I hate to even tell this story, in a way, because I worry that talking about this subject makes me seem like a hysterical attention whore. But I am going to tell it, because …

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Posted in domestic, fantasies, lookism, venting on 06/19/2007 11:18 pm

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

All my meters are incorrect.

I’m still doing the magical eat-less-exercise-more diet that I started at the beginning of May. I try to eat 1600 calories or less each day, and I try to exercise as much as I can …

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Posted in domestic, lookism, parenting, stories on 06/12/2007 06:02 pm

Friday, May 18, 2007

Ghost Issues


Every year of my life, I try to work on my issues and improve myself as much as possible. This year, I’m working on two main things: Eradicating all passive-aggresiveness from my life (not practicing it, not …

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Posted in dreams, lookism, psychobabble, venting on 05/18/2007 11:04 am

Monday, July 17, 2006

Miss Universe 2006

I haven’t watched a pageant in years and years, but the new Miss Universe site makes it look all exciting. Kind of like America’s Next Top Model, except with women who are actually very pretty.

I …

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Posted in lookism, pop culture on 07/17/2006 10:43 pm

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

I’m going on strike.

From now on, whenever I’m with a woman and she starts whining about the way she looks, I’m just going to say, “Stop it.”

I’m not talking about general discussions on hair color and pretty things …

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Posted in lookism, venting on 07/11/2006 01:33 pm