Thursday, March 2, 2006
Me and Santino
Last night I dreamed that Santino and Daniel V. (these are Project Runway contestants) had a secret romance going on. I saw them making out on the floor of the basement of their workroom. I don’t know … Read the rest!
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
A good game to play when you’re caught in traffic or just driving somewhere you always drive: First think of a number, like fifteen. Then find fifteen (or whatever number) things that you would like to photograph, if you … Read the rest!
Thursday, March 13, 2003
My teddy bear and I share a very special love.
Hey. What are you doing. Did you have a good day? Hmm?
Yeah, mine was okay. You know. Work. The whole working thing. I missed you.
Mm hmm. Scoot over … Read the rest!
Friday, February 14, 2003
interview with myself
Q: What are you doing right now, Gwen?
A: One of my kids is sick, so I’m home with him. Right now I’m typing this post and waiting for these sausages I just cooked to cool down. … Read the rest!