Archive for the ‘chicken olives lemons’ Category

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Response from Whole Foods
which I thought was very nice and well written

Hello Gwendolyn
Wow- I am so disappointed and embarrassed to hear your story! This behavior is completely unacceptable and I am shocked to hear that one of

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Posted in chicken olives lemons, obessions on 08/16/2008 04:39 pm

Thursday, August 14, 2008

An Open Letter [Feedback Form] to Whole Foods

Hi. I went to the Kirby location for lunch on Monday. While there, I asked [the hot deli] team when they’d have Moroccan Chicken again, because I really like it. They …

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Posted in chicken olives lemons, Houston, venting on 08/14/2008 12:34 am