Things I’ve Recently Thought


Here is a good way to label shared files:

2005 report wickets.doc
2005 report sprockets.doc
2006 report wickets.doc
2006 report cogs.doc

Here is an alternate way to label those same shared files:


I’ve been thinking that one of these methods is more efficient, in the long run, for your coworkers, than the other. Guess which one it is.


I might have an undiagnosed brain disorder. I’m starting to think this because every time I create something that other people might see, I spend time thinking about how that work will look to other people. I try to see things from other people’s points of view, and create/label/file things so that they’re understandable from those points of view.

Now, however, I’m finally starting to realize that that’s not normal. Most people I know don’t do that.

Hence, something must be wrong with me. The only treatment for this, most likely, would be to segregate myself from normal society. If I were forcibly placed into an environment in which everyone else had the same disorder that I do, it’s possible that, as a group, we could function and get along in this world. With support, love, and lots of prayer, I mean.

I’m willing to try it. Is there an environment like that out there? Will someone have me committed?


In my past lives, I did many bad things. I realize this now.

Whatever I did, I apologize for it.

No, seriously – no more penance, you guys. I’ve learned my lesson. I’m sorry!


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Posted in venting on 12/29/2006 05:02 pm

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