Depression runs rampant.

First I noticed that a lot of people my age are depressed. Then, I noticed that a LOT of people younger than me are depressed, too. Is this because American life has become more depressing, now that we don’t have to fight so hard to survive? Or is it merely because the stigma attached to discussing depression is gone, and there’s the same amount of depression there ever was, and that now we’re freer to talk about it?

Or is it, as my dad says, because my generation was the first to be born under the influence of chemical preservatives, and those preservatives have jacked up our brains?

Gobble, gobble.

Like a turkey, I am fattening up for the winter.

This happens every year. I’ve stopped letting it bother me. I’ll lose it back again, when it gets warmer.

Old Movie Reviews

Tad and I watched Twisted. It’s one of the best horrible movies I’ve seen in a long time. Features Ashlee Judd as the liberated kinky cop. Samuel L.J. as the paternal boss cop. Andy Garcia as the freaky yet sensitive Latino spice cop. Horrible. But sexy. Or, at least, laughably sexual.

A day soon after that, Tad and I finally saw 50 First Dates. It was funnier than I imagined, but also way more heart-warming and high-concept. If you never saw it, you should see it. It was good.

Saturday I house-sat for people whose names I won’t say (to keep from incriminating their DVD collection) and ended up watching Honey on their big-screen projector.

Even though it was an awful, awful movie, I have to admit that I was spellbound throughout. Disappointed in my craving for a ghetto romp, I was nevertheless unwillingly warmed to the cockles of my heart by the ghetto fairy tale I got instead. “Go, Honey, go!” I sobbed. “Save the poor little crackhead spawn with the magic of DANCE!”

Soda News

I heard on the local liberal indie radio station (Clear Channel SUX) that peeps in India are using Coca Cola as an affordable pesticide. Coke, of course, officially discourages the use of their product as such. But, come on. You know they love the extra sales. They’re raking in the cash overseas and they don’t even have to use nicotine. Pretty sweet.

Meanwhile, PepsiCo is promoting “Pepsi Holiday Spice“. They say it contains a hint of cinnamon and ginger. I’d try it if it came it diet.

Lastly: Those nasty-sounding Thanksgiving sodas are back.

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Posted in Uncategorized on 11/09/2004 08:01 pm

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