People, please…
I think it’s great that you take comfort from church and the Bible. Really, I do. But, you know what? I don’t. And you know what else? That doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with me.
I don’t want to read your little poems about Jesus. I don’t want to pray with you, online or in real life. Most importantly, I don’t want your religion dictating what I do with my body or how I conduct my relationships with men. Or women.
And there’s nothing wrong with me. I have morals. I’m polite. In fact, I’d even go so far as to say that I’m a good person.
If you’re just pushing your religion on me because you’re concerned that I’ll go to hell otherwise, please – please don’t worry about me anymore. I don’t believe in Hell. Also, I prefer to believe that if there is a Heaven, trying to be a good person is enough to get you in. If I’m wrong – if you can only get to Heaven by promoting unwanted pregnancies and forwarding PowerPoint presentations full of Scripture and rainbows – then I don’t want to go. A Heaven full of judgment-passing and bad poetry just wouldn’t be any fun for me. Please leave me to my fate.
If, however, you’ve been pushing your religion on me for another reason – maybe because you think it’s better than everyone else’s and you’re trying to shame me into believing what you believe just for the sake of being right – then please stop wasting your time. I got over those little mind games in high school, and I’m too old to care what you, your friends, your gods or your president think of me.