At Work Today

  • I ate my sandwich early, at 9:50, because I was starving. (Only had an Atkins bar for breakfast.) The sandwich was two pieces of cheap ham and two pieces of medium cheddar cheese on sugar-free bread with mustard. I was glad I made it and took it to work.
  • I’m wearing contacts today. Remember all that trauma I had trying to get contacts a while back? Well, this weekend I went to see my boyfriend’s sister-in-law, who’s an optometrist, and she totally hooked me up with contacts that worked. The only thing is that now I look sort of tired and older when I see myself in the bathroom fluorescents here. But oh well. The trade-off on that is that I get to wear cheap sunglasses.
  • It’s cold in here, so I’m wearing my sweater. My work sweater is marled black, white, and taupe. Very unpretty. It says “JOSEPHINE CHAUS SIZE XL” on the tag, which everyone sees when I shed the sweater like a snakeskin and leave it dangling over the back of my chair. But I don’t care. When it gets cold, I stop caring about things.
  • Why does it have to be cold already? This is November, and we actually had the whole record-breaking warm October thing… but still. It’s not enough. I think I’m going to have to move to Mexico. Unless I find more attractive sweaters for cheap. I hate to be cold.
  • Normally my desk is pretty neat, with a “stuff to do today” pile of files, ordered by priority, to the left of a big empty space. But today there’s crap scattered all over the place, and people keep bringing me more. So I’m kind of ignoring it for a second. I took a break to eat a sandwich. And now I’m typing this stuff real, real quick. (On my break. Breaks are allowed. No, this isn’t slacking. I’ll get back to work soon, and then I’ll work faster than everybody else. So just calm down.) Also, my desk is sporting my Hello Kitty lunchbox and a copy of my book semi-wrapped in cellophane, waiting to be picked up by Lisa on 22. And, as always, it has pictures of each of my 3 kids, plus the jar of honey that stays on the shelf because it leaks in the drawer and because I like the little plastic bear’s face – it brightens up all the drab beige. Also, my purse is on my desk, and that’s red faux crocodile. And there’s a diet A&W cream soda to the right of my computer, and the tall mug that Carla left me when I took over her job here, when she moved away. I use the mug for lemongrass-flavored green tea with Splenda. Everything else on my desk is work stuff. Plywood and scratched beige metal and old-fashioned office supplies.
  • I have about 87 windows open on my monitor, but underneath them all is a desktop wallpaper bitmap of a white water lily on green lily pads. If I don’t have interesting wallpaper switched out every two weeks, it makes me sad.

Do you see me now? Can you imagine me sitting here at my work?

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Posted in Uncategorized on 11/08/2004 04:36 pm

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