Where I Be

Hola, peeps. Have y’all missed me? If so, you should check out my Houston Chronicle blog, because I post a little more often over there.

Alternately, if you’ve been wondering how sexy, nasal, gravelly, or flat-aspect-y my speaking voice is in real life, how I waste my time on the weekends when I’m supposed to be writing, what the secret is to my goat whispering, or exactly how fast my husband cuts up tuna for spicy tuna sushi roll filling… you can check out the home movies I’ve been posting to Qik.

In other self-promoting news: I’ll be reading at the Houston Public Library, downtown, on Saturday morning, September 26, at 11 AM., for Banned Books Week. I’m gonna read from my fave banned book of all time and then ask attendees to tell me their secrets in exchange, so come on down for that, if you live in town.

Right after that, I’m going to do a Scype interview for my very good peep Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez’s new site, Las BMW. If you’re interested, you might want to run over there and register right now, while it’s free.

Beatle Non-Mania

We bought the Beatles edition of Rock Band last night and played all the songs I liked, which didn’t take long, and then that was it. I was kind of annoyed by the fact that you can’t work your way through Story Mode without playing each and every song, as opposed to 3 out of 4 or 4 out of 5, like you do on the older editions. Basically, I didn’t appreciate Harmonix forcing me to sing yet another 1963 Beatles song with the same chords as “I Wanna Hold Your Hand” and that other one.

Not trying to be mean. I’m just saying. I mean, I really love “Dear Prudence” and “Get Back” and some of the other stuff. But don’t force me to sing everything else in order to unlock additional songs, is all I’m saying. We gave up Story Mode after two venues and switched to Quickplay. Oh, but the new vocal harmony functionality was cool. I did appreciate that.

I would dearly love a Rolling Stones edition or a Led Zeppelin one. I’d also like a few Heart and Van Halen songs. Do you hear me, Harmonix? I know they have a suggestion box on their site now. I need to get on that. That’s on my to-do list.

My Pop Culture Recommendations for This Quarter

I saw District 9 twice and loved it even better the second time and can’t wait for the sequel.

We also saw Extract over the weekend. It had its moments, but I’m not gonna see it twice.

I’ve been listening to this one album a lot lately: “In Ghost Colors” by the Australian band known as Cut Copy. My favorite songs on it are numbers 6 and 14.

Oh, and we’re totally obsessed with True Blood, that vampire soap opera on HBO. I’m calling it “a redneck-y, vampire-y Nip/Tuck.”

I’m not getting paid or gifted to say any of this, I swear.

Haven’t been reading anything lately. I read a lot of sad but beautiful books over the winter and spring, and now I’m supposed to be writing toward a deadline, so I won’t let myself read. Even though I just found and purchased an interesting-looking short-story collection and it’s sitting on my nightstand atop the mound of magazines. Even though my son really wants me to read The Lightning Thief and I’ve already read the first chapter of it and will probably download the rest this week. But serioiusly – no more reading until I’m done writing this next book. I mean it!

I just typed and deleted, twice, the list of books I read and enjoyed over the past year.

Sometimes I feel weird saying what books I read in a public forum because… I don’t know why. Like I worry that certain people will get upset that I’m not reading “enough” stuff in the genres that I write in, or enough stuff by authors who share certain demographics with me. Or that I suck for not reading and promoting all the books by people I know in real life. And I also worry that listing books now will tempt others to pressure me to mention certain books in the future.

Like a lot of you, I have a really long list of books I want to read – just not necessarily enough time to get to them all. And I don’t even feel like a list of what I read recently would be representative of what I value most as a reader. You know? Because sometimes I read something just because it catches my eye, or just because it was in the doctor’s office, or just because I accidentally downloaded a sample chapter of it on Kindle.

So I’m not gonna make any lists of books. Instead, y’all tell me what you’re reading and loving. At least two of the books I loved last year came from y’all’s suggestions, in the first place. And for that, I thank y’all kindly. Thanks, peeps.

Will write again when I can.

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Posted in pop culture, writing on 09/10/2009 11:39 am


  1. I was absolutely floored by Rachel Sontag's "House Rules". I don't want to overhype it, but I could not put it down. It made me cry, but not in a wallow-y way.

  2. I was absolutely floored by Rachel Sontag's "House Rules". I don't want to overhype it, but I could not put it down. It made me cry, but not in a wallow-y way.

  3. I was absolutely floored by Rachel Sontag's "House Rules". I don't want to overhype it, but I could not put it down. It made me cry, but not in a wallow-y way.

  4. I recently finished Kate Atkinson's "One Good Turn," which I could not put down either.

    I'm scared to read the next one, though, because I'm afraid her multi-novel hero dies… If you know, DON'T TELL ME!

    (Her "Behind the Scenes at the Museum" and "Case Histories" are awesome too.)


  5. I recently finished Kate Atkinson's "One Good Turn," which I could not put down either.

    I'm scared to read the next one, though, because I'm afraid her multi-novel hero dies… If you know, DON'T TELL ME!

    (Her "Behind the Scenes at the Museum" and "Case Histories" are awesome too.)


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