Back Yard

Regular visitors to my back yard include a young squirrel, a tiny and voracious wren, and several mourning doves.

Today it’s unseasonably, beautifully warm – about 78 degrees – and I have the flu. But I went outside for a moment in case the sun would do me some good. I took my windchimes from the patio chair where they’ve been rotting for several months, and hung them.

I didn’t have enough hooks plugged into the house, but I went ahead and hung two chimes from my pear tree. It’s not windy enough to make them ring. It would be a surprise for later, then, the sound they make.

Just now I heard one ringing. It was because a mourning dove landed in the pear tree. I thought the chime would scare him away, but it didn’t.

That’s all. I’m glad it’s warm today. I wish I was less flu-fully tired, because then I could go buy flowers to plant, or something. But I’m exhausted. In a little while, I’ll probably go back to sleep. Again.

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Posted in domestic on 02/21/2007 08:50 pm

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