Now that I’ve scared everyone away…

It’s time to talk about good things.

1. We finally saw Little Miss Sunshine and, oh my god, it was one of the funniest, awesomest movies I’ve ever seen in my life. I bet all of you saw it already, but if you haven’t, then you totally should.

2. This past weekend, my bf and I saw Notes on a Scandal at the local indie/artsy/whatever-y theater. First, I should tell y’all that I liked it very much. But second, I have to make a confession, and it’s that my boyfriend and I are weird and have bad manners. I mean, apparently. We went to the artsy theater, like I said, and we enjoyed the movie, like I said, and so we laughed aloud at certain parts. And we gasped aloud at certain parts. And we were the only ones doing so, and, after a while, it seemed to be getting on the other six audience members’ nerves. (Especially when my boyfriend leaned over to me and loudly whispered, “Oh my god, that is so fucked up!”) But, oh well. I’m sorry we were into the movie and y’all weren’t, you guys.

Again, you should go see that movie. Especially if you’ve ever been in one of those “friendships” where your “friend” is psycho and secretly hates you, even while being clingy and pretending to love you (and especially if they mix it up by touching you inappropriately, too). If you’ve ever been in one of those, Notes on a Scandal will be like an awesome horror movie custom-made just for you.

3. I can’t believe I’d never in my life seen Houston’s Byzantine Fresco Chapel until this past Saturday. We went, and it was very beautiful. Not huge, not action-movie exciting, but just very peaceful and serene and gorgeously made. Rather like the Menil Collection, itself. If you haven’t gone yet, you should totally, totally go. The pics on that site don’t do it justice. Houston is seriously lucky to have had the de Menil family living here, making awesome stuff for us to look at on weekends for free.

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Posted in Houston, pop culture on 02/13/2007 10:15 pm

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