Boredom, Luddites, Photographic Goals

I’m going to try to remember to take my camera with me all weekend, and to remember that I have it, and to use it. Then, I will upload to Flickr. Why? Because I love it when my friends have new Flickr pics for me to look at, so I should do the same.

In that vein, could you people whose blogs I read please update your blogs? Come on, you guys. Seriously. I need stuff to read. I’m trying to update mine more. You should try, too.

Also, if you are my friend and you have a secret blog, please consider letting me read your freaking secret blog.

Also, if you are my friend and you are not yet on Flickr, please consider getting on Flickr.

Don’t say, “Oh, I’m not into all that world wide web stuff.” Stop saying that. It’s not some fad. It’s not like I’m asking you to join MySpace. I’m just asking you to join the 21st century.

Please, put your pictures and thoughts online so I can have stuff to look at when I’m bored. Thank you.


Tomorrow is the kick-off of a three-day weekend here in America. Tuesday I will be the only “lady” (read: worker) in our dept at my job who is not taking the day off. So me and Jackie will go eat Vietnamese food on that day. Tomorrow I will have lunch with Brie.

I like to have lunch with friends. When I can’t do that, I like to sit in a secluded corner of my day job’s parking lot and read a book, or write in a notebook, or listen to Mr. Wash Allen on the AM radio. Unless someone is rude enough to drive up and park next to me.


I think that’s very rude, to park right next to someone having lunch in her car. Don’t you? We have a huge parking lot with gajillions of spaces, and yet people sometimes feel the need to park right next to me. Just like, in a nearly empty theater, some people feel the need to sit right next to me. Just like, in an uncrowded Hobby Lobby, some people feel the need to look at the exact beads or soap chips I’m looking at, right at the same moment that I’m looking at them.

I hate that. Lonely people of the world, please – stay away from me. I am not lonely. Sometimes, therefore, I need to be alone. If you see me alone, chances are I’ve very carefully planned it that way, and I don’t need some stranger parking next to me or breathing on me or backing up into my ass. Please, people. Please!

Okay, that’s all. Bed time. Good night.

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Posted in venting on 09/01/2006 02:36 am

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