Numbered List

1. I love my kids. I had a good weekend with them. (This was my allotted weekend in the midst of their 8-week summer visitation with their dad.) We had fun.

2. Austin is so very hot and dry. Houston is hot, too… but Austin is hot and dry. When people say, “but it’s a dry heat,” I understand them to mean, “but you will be in hell.”

3. I am a little bit psychic. A year ago, my boyfriend took me canoeing on Town Lake in Austin, Texas. We had fun. On the canoe, he said to me, “You should do this with your kids.” At that moment, I had a vision of myself with one kid in one canoe, and my other two kids in another canoe. In my vision, the other two kids argued and caused their canoe to flip over. I told my boyfriend of this vision and he refused to see it as any kind of portent. So… it’s a year later, and that’s exactly what happened Saturday. I took my kids canoeing, and the ones who weren’t in my canoe argued. They decided to switch places, then flipped their canoe over, ruining a watch and a cell phone in the process. They were okay, thank gosh. They had life jackets and swim way better than me. Plus, maybe they learned a lesson about arguing while on canoes.

4. At a Fuddruckers*, on Sunday afternoon, I realized that I was happy.
(*Fuddruckers is the name of a hamburger place. Of course everyone renames it nasty things.)

5. Last Saturday I wrote the best poem I’ve ever written in my life, and that was nice.

6. I’m very excited about buying paint this week. I am going to buy paint for my new house this week! And then, on Sunday, my house’s living room and kitchen will get painted!!!

7. I’m very, very, very excited about the tile I will buy for my kitchen counter sometime soon. But not quite as excited about finding out what’s under the current veneer/particleboard that is my kitchen counter. Still – finding out will be an adventure, and tiling the counter will be the adventure’s reward.

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Posted in domestic, parenting on 07/17/2006 04:38 pm

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