Giving Thanks
I think I’m going to get a low-carb cheesecake for Thanksgiving, along with some turkey, broccoli, spinach, and sweet potatoes with butter and cinnamon. And the six-pack of Mike’s Light I found at Randall’s last weekend.
Here’s my list of things I’m thankful for this year:
1. My family remained healthy and safe.
2. I have an awesome boyfriend.
3. I’ve managed to retain several awesome friends and cousins who are there for me whenever I need them.
4. I have a job and an apartment without roaches.
5. My car worked with minimum requests for repairs.
6. I finished writing two books* that I can be proud of, got them in front of publishers, and I already have one offer for one.
7. I managed to convince an agent to represent my work.
8. I was able to do a lot of fun things with my kids, like make fun of new movies and people at the Renaissance Faire.
9. We found a new apartment that seems like it’ll be fun to live in.
10. My friends overcame some sticky situations and are now doing things worthy of frequent celebrations.
11. Hurricane Rita didn’t destroy my home or car.
12. My day job took a turn for the better.
13. I got to go on a mini-vacation to Toronto over the summer.
14. Really, I can’t complain. I still do, but things are actually going as well as anyone could expect, all things and the crappy economy considered.
*I know I’ve only mentioned the one book. The other one is something very small, though, so I won’t tell y’all about it unless/until it gets published.
Here’s hoping that y’all have super-awesome Thanksgivings, with minimal stress and maximum things to be thankful for, yourselves.