Writing Advice from a Writer (Part 2)

Ova Girl asks:

Reading what you have to say about rejections for book proposals, I wanted to know…when do you give up. (Not you giving up, I mean ‘one’) The hard thing I think is when you’ve actually had some success and then…nothing. I’m depressing myself here so I’ll stop but you know, it’s something I’m wondering about. This year it occurred to me that I was getting really tired of all the NOs out there. It’s not like I think it should be easy but…actually no, I think partly it should be easy in the way that writing sometimes is effortless, still hard work putting it down etc but the flow, that bit’s effortless…

I’m glad you asked that question, because it’s one that’s been on my mind a lot lately. When do you give up? If you’re me, you promise yourself that you’ll give up after the very next rejection. But then, you don’t. Or, you haven’t yet.

Let’s work it out together in numbered list format, shall we?

1. You (general you) are a writer because you are compelled to write. I hope that you are, that is. If you don’t really like writing that much, but you’re in it for the money or the fame, then I can’t help you.

2. It hurts to be rejected, of course. But you keep submitting work because you know that, when you do sell your work, it’ll totally be worth it. And you’re right. It will be.

3. But, once you sell work, it puts that much more pressure on you to keep selling, doesn’t it? And you go through crazy thought cycles, like,
“Haven’t I already proven myself? Why am I getting rejected again?” or
“Maybe that first sale was just a fluke and I’m a shitty writer, after all,” or
“Damn it, they OWE it to me to buy my stuff!” and
“You know, I should maybe quit while I’m ahead and start teaching creative writing now.”
These thoughts string you along while you try, try again. And you keep getting rejected (more often than not).

4. So let’s say you do give up. Eff it. Too much time and energy. It’s not worth the pain anymore.

5. But you keep writing, don’t you? You say, “I’m so glad I’m not submitting work anymore! Now I can just enjoy myself by writing [my blog, my chapbook, a comic book, a series of love letters, a homemade book for my baby niece, whatever.] And I’ll do it for fun, for free. No pressure!”

6. You have fun and write stuff. (Or paint stuff, or compose stuff, or do freaky performance art.) Then, you realize that there’s no harm in submitting that stuff, is there? After all, it’s not like you can’t take rejection. Why not just try? What the hell.

And you never stop, do you? Why should you stop?

You know what? I think you should go ahead and let yourself give up right now. I’ll do it with you. I give up!

See, now we can be free to do whatever we want. And, if we end up doing something good, there’ll be no harm in submitting it, will there, now that we’ve given up?

Best of luck, Ova G. Have fun with your projects.

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Posted in writing on 01/30/2007 12:54 am

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