Dream Blog! DREAM BLOG!!!
Recent dreams:
1. My ex-husband died, and I had to think of a way to tell the kids, and I wondered if I should call my lawyer. (And then I woke up and wondered, if my ex-husband died in real life, how I would find out.) (Knock on wood. I don’t hate him, I just wish I didn’t have to deal with him. Not that he would die, though.)
2. I was getting ready to go to the prom with my boyfriend. I spent lots of time putting on lots and lots of sexy blue eyeshadow. Then I threw on a wrinkled fuchsia satin dress from my closet. Knee length. My boyfriend showed up and frowned at my clothes. After I begged him to, he admitted that he thought my dress looked cheap. He took me to a costume shop where he knew one of the employees (a white chick). She said she only had a few plus-sized dresses. The ones we found were ugly and hopelessly vintage. She gossipped with my boyfriend instead of helping me look for more. I was annoyed.
3. There were spooky monsters.
4. I left work because of a fire drill or something, and went to the mall that magically appeared across the street. I shopped and shopped, and eventually decided to skip out on the rest of the work day. I didn’t even care. I couldn’t find any good clothes, but I was glad to be at the mall instead of at my job.
5. Oh, god… Every single day for a week or more, I dreamed that I had a baby, and that I wasn’t doing a very good job of taking care of it. Other people were handling the baby while I ran around doing readings or whatever. In a way I was embarrassed about it, but then again I wasn’t. But then I felt guilty about not being embarrassed. Sigh.
Real Life!
1. February 17 is Chinese New Year. So begins the Year of the Golden Pig. That means that any babies born this coming year are guaranteed to be rich.
2. I went to the doctor and they told me I gained seven pounds. “But I’ve been dieting!” I whined. “Maybe it’s my boots. They’re heavier than my shoes were last time…” Plus, I’m still wearing the same clothes. (So I haven’t gained inches, either.) The doctor gave me a paper about weight loss. It had a lot of math and science on it. When he was done explaining it, I said, “But that sounds hard.” He said, “I know. That’s why I’m fat.”
3. The medicine they had me on, for my hyperprolactinemia? Has stopped working. It worked really well for two months, but now the secondary symptoms are coming back. Those are: Every time I get stressed, or excited, or after I eat, or just whenever my blood goes fast, I guess–I immediately have a hot flash, with side orders of nausea and dizzyness. IT SUCKS. But the double periods haven’t yet returned.
Please, Lord, help Dr. Smith figure out whatever the hell the deal is. Also, please make my insurance plan stop sucking so bad, because I can’t afford to pay full price for my doctor visits for much longer. (Or if it’s easier for You to make me have more money, instead, then that’s okay, too.)
4. I think my body is mad at me because it wants a baby. I don’t want a baby, but I think my body’s not used to sleeping with the same person for 3 or 4 years without getting knocked up. (New readers: I am 35 years old, and I have 86 kids.) Hence, my body keeps trying to ovulate twice a month. No matter how much medicine I put into it. I mentioned all that to Dr. Smith, but then he said, “What’s that?” and then I said, “Oh, nothing.”
5. My Chinese sign is Pig, but nothing I read today said anything about me getting rich this year, in the Year of the Golden Pig.
However, I remain optimistic.