Bad Habit

I’m sitting here at 1:14 AM, cleaning up broken links on my web site and updating certain facts, and suddenly I notice that I’ve been writing this site for almost nine years now.

Dude. That’s so weird.

In semi-related news, lately I’ve come across several online articles in which people disparage blog-writing as a means of becoming an author.

My question: Who ever said blogging would get you a book deal? Okay, maybe Blogger did. But that’s beside the point.

Another question: Who in the name of god ever said blogging would improve your writing? (People whose writing it improved, maybe?)

I think that, if you think blogging is useless, you should refrain from engaging in it. Also, if you think bloggers are stupid assholes, you should refrain from reading blogs. Further, I think that if you want to publish a book, you should sit your butt down and write one, then submit it to publishers until one of them says yes.

But if you want to sit around whining about how bloggers are stupid assholes who can’t write and don’t deserve book deals… Well, then you should become an online columnist. Right?

I’ve been writing this blog/web site/online journal/whatever for nine years now because I like it. I like to write, and I like to connect with people, and this is a fun way to do both. It’s also a tax write-off, now that I can use it to advertise my books. So… there you go. If that makes me a whiny, self-indulgent, grammar-less waste of a human being, I implore blog critics to go read Kaavya Viswanathan, instead.

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Posted in venting, writing on 04/30/2006 06:16 am

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