I’m Going to Update My Blog, Not Because I Have Anything to Say, but Because I Know How Annoying It Is to Me When Other People Refuse to Update Their Blogs
So earlier today I got some news that was kind of good, but that kind of, at the same time, made me question the motivation that’s guided me for the last four years. More on that later, after I hopefully get news that adds perspective.
Also earlier today, upon offering a pleasantry to my day-job boss, he made what sounded like a passive-aggressive comment on the amount of time I spend on the phone here in my veal-pen-non-cube. I think he did. Maybe I misheard him in a paranoid way. However, just to be sure, I’m going to stop getting my work done so efficiently all the time, to see if anyone notices that as much as they manage to notice the frequency of my personal phone calls in between their own personal phone calls. Because if all it takes to get positive recognition around here is not talking on the phone, then I’ve been working way too hard.
So, also earlier today, I briefly considered slipping into a shallow work-related depression. But then, instead, I ate some chicken strips from Jack in the Box. And, after my blood-sugar level went back up to normal, I decided to simply stop caring so much about everything.
Seriously: Who cares? What does it matter? What’s the point in worrying so much and working so hard? I’m not going to do either anymore. Worrying and working hard gets you nothing but indigestion. So, screw it all. From now on, I’ll join my brethren and sistren in doing just enough to get by, each and every day. Then, on the weekends, I’ll buy myself junk on credit, watch TV, and get drunk.
We’re Moving Soon
We’re moving Thanksgiving weekend and I haven’t packed a gosh-darn thing. I haven’t even gotten rid of all the excess clothing, books, food, and toilettries I said that I’d get rid of before packing.
So… I guess I need to do that. Yes. I will do that very soon.
We all know that Thanksgiving is coming up. However, since my kids will be with their biological dead-beat for Thanksgiving this year, I haven’t made any plans.
Actually, that’s not true at all. I have made plans.
I am going to pack, get rid of junk, and play World of Warcraft. All at the same time. While drunk.