George W or his daddy: the results are in

Fifty-eight percent of you said that you would choose George H, aka Daddy Bush, over his son. Forty-two percent of you cheated and choose death or some other violent fate. And, interestingly enough, no one chose George W. Bush. For the record, I choose H over W and Aragorn over Gimli.

Kimberly fumes: “You are an evil woman. This would be me taking the bullet. BUT if I had to pick one, it would be George Sr. because I can’t even stand looking at his monkey son without shuddering uncontrollably.”

Michelle laughs/gags: “Lol Gwen I would have to say fire away! nothing could make me want either of those two for romantic activities…Ewwww”

Frank F. reasons: “Boy what a choice. I’ll take Daddy Bush. He’s a lot more intelligent than his dopey son. I like to believe he graduated from Yale with better than a “C” average. He was also a war veteran and not a war dodger hiding in the National Guard. Also, at least Daddy had a legitimate reason for going to war even if he ended it too soon.”

Dawn J. muses: “How about can you pick that one brother that no one ever talks about that lives in trailer somewhere? His name is Basil I think? Otherwise it would have to be H simply because I think it would be over quickly and there may be some gratitude factor too. And he did seem a little smarter…”

Annette R-B retches: “If you’re referring to what I think you’re referring to, I’ll take the bullet, with a side of brain-floss. Euuuw.”

Liz M. agonizes: “…and death is not an option? Sorry, I guess I’ll have to kill myself. Oh wait – death is not an option? What do you do if I refuse to choose, based on the sheer repulsiveness of the answers, with neither one being the lesser evil? Fine, I’ll take the rack and the Chinese water torture and bamboo under my fingernails!”

Troy schemes: “Nasty! Well, I guess I could go for the dad. Maybe he could be my sugar daddy, if Barbara had a headache that week.”

Megan C. sagely rambles: “Definitely the dad. At least he didn’t surround himself with evil minions. See, son comes with an Ashcroft sidekick, and that alone makes him worse. Plus at least we weren’t forced to somehow believe that people liked the first one.”

Aimee O. opines: “Oh, Dubya’s dad, all the way, because although he looks like a praying mantis, he’s not an idiot. I can’t believe you prefer Cyclops over Wolverine! Do you prefer Gimli over Aragorn, too? Not that there’s anything wrong with that, I guess. If you do.”

Mike L. contributes: “In the comic book, Wolverine is 5’4″. Hey… I wonder who Dave Barry would choose.”

Gwen decides: “Good question. I’ll email him right now and ask him.”

Dave Barry graciously takes the time to reply: “Gwen — Do you mean, like, to have SEX with? With a gun to my head? I would have sex with the gun.”

Wasn’t that fun? Thanks to everyone who voted. I’ll think up a sexy new survey for y’all tomorrow.

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Posted in Uncategorized on 03/21/2003 01:58 am

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